
What We Believe

We believe that Christ died

Our fore parents Adam and Eve sinned and condemned us all to die as punishment for our sin. But God had a plan to save us. Christ came to earth and lived a perfect life as a man. He became the sacrifice that was needed to pay the penalty for our sins. He hung on a cross to save us.

We believe that Christ is risen

Christ did not stay in the grave. God resurrected Him, signifying His power over death. Because of Christ’s perfect life, if we accept His gift of salvation, He now is able to cover our sins and present us faultless before God. He gives us the power to obey His commandments, as He did while He was on earth.

We believe that Christ will come again

The ultimate goal is restoration. Christ returned to heaven after His resurrection to prepare a place for us, so that we can be together with Him again. He will come again and restore us and the earth to the way it was before sin entered.
Take this message of reassurance with you: Christ has died! Christ is risen! Christ will come again!

If you are interested in learning more about Christ’s love for you, we would be happy to study with you.

Our church is a part of the world-wide Seventh-day Adventist organization and you can read the complete list of our beliefs by clicking the button below.